Online Friday Night Practice (2021 H2)

  Poster (English) Poster (Chinese) Friday Night Practice at Central is a bi-weekly mindfulness practice with Plum Village tradition. Friday Night Practice is a “lite” mindful practice in town, allowing you to practice and nourish your mindfulness with the community after a busy week. Since the epidemic, we practice together through internet. Friday Night Practice is held on the 1st (in English) and the 3rd (in Cantonese) Friday of each month. Registration window will be opened on Monday of the event from 22:00, till Thursday 22:00. A confirmation email will be sent to you after registration closed. If you don’t find it, please check your junk/trash folder, or let us know. Should you have any question, please email to We look forward practicing with you in Friday Night Practice. Time: 19:00 – 21:00 2021 2nd Half Tentative Schedule Date Language Jul 16, 2021 Cantonese Aug 06, 2021 English Aug 20, 2021 Cantonese Sep 03, 2021 English Sep 17, 2021 Cantonese Oct 01, 2021 — no practice organized — Oct 15, 2021 Cantonese Nov 05, 2021 English Nov 19, 2021 Cantonese Dec 03, 2021 English Dec 17, 2021 Cantonese Breathe & Smile, Friday Night Practice team Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism / Plum Village Hong Kong

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Sunday Day of Mindfulness Program (2021 H2)

Starting from June 13, 2021, Sunday Day of Mindfulness (DOM) will resume full day activities.

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2021.06 Online Friday Night Practice

Friday Night Practice @ Central is a bi-weekly mindfulness practice with Plum Village tradition. Friday Night Practice is a “lite” mindful practice in town, allowing you to practice and nourish your mindfulness with the community after a busy week. Since the epidemic, we practice together through internet. Friday Night Practice is held on the 1st (in English) and the 3rd (in Cantonese) Friday of each month. Time : 1900-2100 Registration window will be opened on Monday of the event from 2200, till Thursday 2200. A confirmation email will be sent to you after registration closed. If you don’t find it, please check your bin/trash, or let us know. Should you have any question, please email to We look forward practicing with you in Friday Night Practice. 2021 2nd Half Tentative Schedule Language: English Language: Cantonese July 16, 2021 Aug 06, 2021 Aug 20, 2021 Sep 03, 2021 Sep 17, 2021   Oct 15, 2021 Nov 05, 2021 Nov 19, 2021 Dec 03, 2021 Dec 17, 2021 Breathe & Smile, Friday Night Practice team Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism / Plum Village Hong Kong

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Education University of Hong Kong – Day of Mindfulness (2021)

Co-organized by: Center for Religious and Spirituality Education, EUHK, email: Plum Village Mindfulness Academy, email: Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the Plum Village community recognize the importance of creating sustainable and lasting programs in schools that maintain the happiness and well-being of teachers, administrators, students, and parents. We care about your personal well-being and happiness, and believe that this is essential in creating a favorable learning environment. In our extensive work with educators around the world, we have seen that when the teacher is personally supported by mindfulness practice, the positive impact is naturally transmitted into the classroom. Target: all education professionals, students, and parents are welcome, regardless of your religous background and teaching experience. Date and Agenda Date Feb 27, 2021 Mar 27, 2021 May 22, 2021 Jun 26, 2021 Sep 25, 2021 Nov 27, 2021 Time Agenda 09:30 Walking meditation 10:30 Lecture 12:30 Mindful lunch (please bring your own veggie-packed lunch) 13:15 Rest 14:00 Total Relaxation 15:00 Group sharing 16:30 Farewell Fee: free of charge Venue: The Educational University, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, NT. – Block B3, Quiet Room (B3-P-09A) Registration: The registration window will be open two weeks prior the event at After registered, you will receive a confirmation email on Wednesday prior to the event. You can send email to if there is any question on registration. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face program is temporarily changed to online. The program is also updated to reflect this. Event Poster

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Friday Night Practice (2021 H1)

You are invited to Friday Night Practice. Our mind has a habit of running, not being able to be present in the here and now. Mindfulness is the kind of energy we generate when we bring our mind back to our body and be aware of what is going on in the present moment, in us and around us. Every two weeks there is Friday Night Practice, we have a chance to practice Mindfulness together with others in the community. We can generate a powerful collective energy that can bring healing and transformation in ourselves and the world. The Friday Night Practice is held on the 1st & 3rd Friday of each month in Central. However, due to COVID-19, we will be continuing the practice online. There is no experience or fee required. Please be invited to arrive 10 minutes earlier so that we are able to settle down, relax our body and mind. Schedule The 1st half tentative 2021 schedule will be Language: English Language: Cantonese 2021-01-15 2021-02-05 2021-02-19 2021-03-05 2021-03-19 2021-04-16 2021-05-07 2021-05-21 2025-06-04 2021-06-18 Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Language: 1st Friday: English (with Cantonese translation if needed) 3rd Friday: Cantonese (with English translation if needed) Venue: CUHK Thomas Jing Center, Room 1701, 17/F Far East Consortium Building, 121 Des Voeux Road Central, Central. Hong Kong Due to the present epidemic situation, the Friday Night Practice is conducted either face to face, or online. Please visit our website for update information. Facebook: Rain of Compassion Sangha PVHK 慈霖共修團 Email: Remark: Registration window will be open at 22:00 on the Monday before the event. Poster

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Online Day of Mindfulness Videos (2020)

During the epidemic, all Plum Village centres are closed. Hong Kong is the same. All the activities in the temple or in town are suspended. As to encourage and keep our practice, AIAB had Online Day of Mindfulness as from August 2020. Hereunder are the video for you to review and practice. The event was facilitated in English, some parts with Cantonese translation. Video Date Oct 11th, 2020Day of Mindfulness Sep 27th, 2020Day of Mindfulness Aug 23rd, 2020Rose Ceremony (in gratitude to our parents) Aug 16th, 2020Day of Mindfulness Aug 2nd, 2020Day of Mindfulness

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